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Leucorrhoea is a condition in which there is whitish discharge from the vagina, thick or viscid. In addition to white discharge, there is weakness, lower back pain, giddiness & sometimes itching also.
White discharge per vagina along with low back pain, pruritus, giddiness, weakness is caused by unhygienic condition, worm infestation, wrong eating habits and living style, recurrent abortions, general weakness, loss of uterine muscle tone, excessive sex etc.

Similarly due to excessive stress females suffer from early menses, excessive bleeding during menses or inter cycle bleeding. Lucorin Vati solves all the above mentioned problems from its root. Besides the cool and astringent action of Lucorin Vati it also strengthens and tones up the uterine mucles and thus checks the abnormal secretions-both white and blood per vagina and maintain the regular & normal cycle. Anti inflammatory property of the medicines reduce pain and pruritis.

Lucorin Vati

    • White Discharge
    • Weakness
    • Lower back pain
    • Giddiness and itching
    • To maintain regular menstrual cycle
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