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Constipation is the inability or difficulty in passage of stool , at times it happens that the stool is hard & dry . It may lead to feeling of heaviness in abdomen & later headache, loss of appetite, lethargy & nausea.
The inability of the intestine to expel the waste matter leads to flatulence, constipation, continuing over a long period may lead to distention of the stomach & severe discomfort. Generally different types of medicine are taken to get relief from constipation. But those medicines create dryness in the intestine & again create the condition suitable for constipation.
At such time Gandharva Haritaki Vati which is prepared in castor oil should be taken which lubricates the intestine & expels out flatus & stool easily .

Gandharva Haritaki Churna Vati

    • Helps expel out stool easily
    • Gas, Acidity
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